Wow, must not be in Utah. Around here they literally check your "Temple
Recommend" card at the door. You can only get one of those from your
local ward bishop. I've been inside a Mormon temple too, right after
they build them, they do publc open houses. Then they dedicate them, and
forevermore bar non-members and even non temple-worthy members.

I'm only talking about Temple Weddings. Once in a rare while, they will
do a wedding in a Ward house (chapel) with the local bishop presiding.
Mainly when one of the parties to the wedding isn't temple worthy. Case
in point, my brother (athiest) married a Mormon and they had a short but
sweet marriage in a Ward house.

Jeff Jonsson

-----Original Message-----
From: Bob W [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Wednesday, January 07, 2004 1:08 PM
Subject: Re: Cheap bastards? -was: Down off my "high-horse"... with a


I've been to Mormon weddings and inside Mormon temples, and I'm an


Wednesday, January 7, 2004, 7:53:12 PM, you wrote:

> Hey, around these parts (Utah) there are no photogs allowed in the LDS
> (Mormon) Temples. So all the pics the couple gets are portraits 
> outside the Temples with temple as backdrop, and pictures at the 
> receptions. Oh, and non-Mormons are not allowed inside the temples at 
> any time, so as is sometimes the case with converts, one half of the 
> family is not allowed to even GO to the wedding ceremony! Not being 
> Mormon myself, I refuse to call Mormon Weddings "Weddings" I refer 
> only to them as "receptions" because that's the only part I'm ever 
> invited to.

> Jeff Jonsson

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