If you have to swap to disk, then putting the Photoshop scratch space
on a different physical drive takes some of the pain away.  But it's
far better to have enough memory in the first place, and never going
to disk at all.  Even the fastest disk transfer speed is still much
slower than main memory speeds.  Try to get more memory first; a second
drive is a palliative, not a solution.
> A very important consideration for running PS is that of using two hard
> drives.  PS uses a scratch disk when memory allocation is at the limit. 
> It's highly recommended to use a second disk for this.
> John Francis wrote:
> > 
> > 
> >   o  Memory size.  3x - 5x overall image size is a good yardstick.
> >      A 256Mb machine would be marginal for working with 90Mb files.
> > 
> >   o  Disk speed.  You need to read and save those images, and that
> >      is critically dependent on how fast the disk transfers data.
> >      Waiting for image I/O is non-productive time, too, so it has
> >      a significant psychological impact.
> > 
> >   o  Memory speed.  Your image data won't fit in the data cache,
> >      so memory bandwidth becomes extremely important.

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