
I am sorry if I jump in the middle of the train of somebody's thought or something. Much traffic, little time. Anyway, I am quite amazed by the difference between the two shots, Bruce. While the husband (he is a husband already, is he not? <g>) virtually did not move, the wife <g> did quite some posing <g>...

For me it would be a great lesson in portraiture. I never thought that a direction of one's sight can be so defining...

I agree with Wendy - I rather like the first one, where she looks at the flowers. It has more of a newlywed air around it, while the second one is much more like a smile after the deed is done...

I rather like the fountain on the background. It makes a very nice balanced contrast between the couple's black and white attire. What I don't like though is whatever there is behind the groom. When I try to imagine that these two patches of light are not behind him, but rather something uniform, perhaps some greenery or just plain darkness, then I see much more beautiful imagel. But perhaps you saw it as well, but it wasn't possible to achieve...

Thanks for sharing and thanks for the lesson.


On Tue, 24 Feb 2004 23:52:34 -0500 wendy beard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
At 10:41 PM 24/02/2004, you wrote:

Seeing how there have been several comments on having the bride look
up rather than down, I have posted to the same web page, the other
version of this basic pose with her looking up.

You can see both images and let me know if you think the second image
is more to your liking.

Here is the page again:

I like the first better with her looking down. More serene and in keeping with the mood of the soft focus.
I don't like the background though (the fountain). It looks really weird. Like they're in the hall of mirrors.

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