
I just responded to Bob S. about the two shots.  Perhaps what is
bothersome about the first shot is that their attention is divided.
He is looking at the camera and she is not.  If he were looking at her
or something like that, it might feel comfortable.

Soft focus is quite tricky, because it is very easy to apply too much.
What looks about right in the viewfinder can many times be too strong.

I don't have a soft focus lens in 35mm (sold it to Boris) and so
haven't really played much yet with that style on the *istD.  The
focal lengths that Pentax offers just don't seem to be right.  With
the 67, the 120mm gave a equivalent of about 60mm which worked for
both couples and single portraits.  Offering a 28mm and 85mm for 35mm
is too wide or too long.  I would like about a 50-60mm.  So right now
I am looking at filters for my FA 50/1.4.

Any suggestions that would mimic a soft focus lens reasonably well?
Diffusers are not at all the same type of animal.


Wednesday, February 25, 2004, 8:21:31 AM, you wrote:

BB> I'll add my 2¢

BB> I actually like the second picture better. When I first saw the first
BB> picture there was something about the dynamic between the husband and wife
BB> that just didn't feel right to me. I still can't put my finger on it but I
BB> know it makes me uncomfortable.

BB> Also, concerning soft focus. I have always liked it better on larger formats
BB> then 35mm.

BB> Butch

BB> Each man had only one genuine vocation - to find the way to himself.

BB> Hermann Hesse (Demian)

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