I will delete most of Cotty's excellent well-balanced reply.

I do need to add two suggestions.

1. David, re: the deleted 'icon'. Whether it is a deleted file, folder, application, or alias, it was not deleted. It was moved to the Trash. It is probably still there. Open the Trash, click and drag the 'icon' back to the desktop or anywhere else. See Cotty's suggestions on where to place things.

2. WRT the 'sluggish' behavior of the Mac:
a. OS-X.3 is definitely worth the investment, both for ease of use and for speed. I am a few years behind Cotty in making the conversion, it was not painless, but it was worth it.
b. It is criminal to use OS9.1; OS9.2 is far more stable and faster and it is a simple process to download and install the upgrade.
c. Using OS9.x and earlier Mac systems, you periodically need to do something called "cleaning the desktop folder." Think of it like flushing the cache on a web browser. To do this on the Mac, you hold down a special key combination during start-up. I never remember the combination - check the help menu.

Personal computers I have used include PDP-8, Osborne, Commodore 64, 10-15 Intel-based systems running DOS and successive versions of Windows, about 8 different Macs and clones starting with the Mac+, System 3.0 I believe. I use both at the office, primarily a Mac. (A docked Powerbook.) The day my office tells me that I can no longer use a Mac as my primary work machine is the day I resign/retire. I cannot imagine any job being worth the pain of being forced to put up with a Windows system. It is not just the OS that is the issue, it is that people who design for the Mac more often design usable programs that don't treat the user as though they were an idiot. But both systems work, and ultimately it comes down to what you are comfortable with.


Cotty wrote:

Hi David,

Comments interspersed:

I have been taking some college courses at our local university and all of
the computers in the graphics dept are Mac. They are only running OS 9.1 or
9.2...can't remember for sure. As I understand this is pretty outdated for

Correct. Bear that in mind.

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