For every Ansel Adams there is a Robert Mapplethorpe. Adams wrote books
on every aspect of technique, Mapplethorpe (eventually) had assistants
to do absolutely everything. Mapplethorpe did beautiful portraits and
still lifes; Adams did breathtaking landscapes.

An eye for composition is MUCH more important than knowing the inner
workings of your camera, otherwise photography would be dominated by
Canon owning Engineers and Leica owning Doctors.  

Paul Ewins
Melbourne, Australia

-----Original Message-----
From: John Francis [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
I couldn't hep but notice, in the latest flare-up of Mac
advocacy, that once again one of the purported strengths
of the Mac is that you don't have to understand the inner
workings to be able to use the machine sucessfully.

Oddly enough the same argument can be applied to cameras,
but the suggestion is generally treated with derision.

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