I appreciate all the ideas and advice that have come back on this list
regarding this subject.  However I never meant for this thread to go into
which system was  truly better then the other or lead to a flame war, since
that's something that will never be agreed upon.  I also apologize to those
that feel that this thread should not be on this list.  I felt it was valid
since my primary concern regarding Mac was for graphic and image editing
purposes and if it makes you happier I do use images created in my Pentax
and Minolta cameras for backgrounds.  So far I've not heard anything that
gives me the impression that one system is really better then the other.
Windows went through a lot of growing pains, but upon the release of windows
2000 (which is what I run most of the time since XP wastes too many
resources for my taste) and XP things really started looking up.   During
that previous time, Mac may well have had a superior more, stable system.
As I never ran them at during that period, I can't say for sure.  I'm sure I
can learn to operate a Mac properly with a little time.  In class we have
very little time to do our assignments, thus most of my work is done at home
on PC.  I could drive down to the college and use their systems, but the
available time in my lifestyle puts a crimp on this and I truly question the
validity of learning OS 9x.  I doubt that running a Mac is harder then
running Linux, which I also do when I get bored or upset with Microsoft.  I
am trying to keep an open mind even though part of me rebels hugely,
especially over the missing right click.

The important concerns here for me are do I need to be competent on a Mac to
be competent in the industry? (Yes, I probably do)  Which system will give
me a more productive workflow specifically working with graphics
applications?  I build my own PC's, can I do the same effectively with a
Mac?  When a component gives me a problem, can I simply buy one to replace
it myself, or am I at the mercy of repair service at Mac, their schedule and
their parts prices?  On my PC's if I have a hardware problem, normally the
part can be replaced and back up and running the same day.(No, I haven't had
the time to properly research this yet!)  If it was justifiable and needed,
I would work towards obtaining a G5 10.3 OS(Panther) system.  I could build
more then a couple awesome PC's though for the amount of cash I would need
to outlay to do this.  I always run at least 2 physical hard drives (not
just partitions) for backup safety's sake.  Since the drives are not named
"C" etc, does Mac support this?  Is it like Linux where different drives or
partitions simply have different directory names?  On PC I can completely
lose my OS and reformat if necessary without losing any data (throw back to
win 98, hasn't been an issue since Win 2K, however a drive can still fail),
can I do this on a Mac per the 2nd hard drive?  Note: PC's with factory
restore disks are a total waste of time as well for data salvaging on

In regard to the saving of files in Freehand 10 as .eps that some of you
find totally laughable.  First of all, we are running Mac OS 9.2 at the
college with the Freehand 10 version, not Freehand 9 or Freehand MX(11).
Secondly, I don't think I made the problem totally clear as per the
responses.  What I'm referring to is when you have a group of objects either
all selected, or grouped and the single group selected.  Now what I want to
do is, save that group or object separately from the rest of the page or
document as an .eps editable image file.  I don't want to save the entire
page or document, only one graphic that retains full vector graphic
properties.  Thus it can be imported separately into another page or
document and reduced or enlarged, ungrouped and edited in any way that I
desire and still retain all the excellent printing properties of an enlarged
vector graphic.  If you enlarge and print a graphic that is not a true
vector graphic it loses considerable quality.  On PC I can do this, on the
Mac's at school it always saves the entire page or saves the object in a
format that is no longer editable.  Yes, the page or document is editable,
but is a larger file size and requires a couple more steps for me to
accomplish my goal.

According to my instructor, this is an issue that is about time and money in
a working studio environment, not whether or not you can get to the same
place or not on a Mac.  Is my instructor competent?  Well, that does seem
questionable at the moment, however she is quite charming and good looking
too... :), not to mention she does run and operate a successful graphics
studio with some quite major accounts.  In some of the documentation links
that have been suggested, it talks about repairing the machine that has
problems saving as an editable file, however from what I can discern, they
are still talking about an entire page or document, not a single graphic.
Most of this documentation seems to be targeted at Freehand 9 and claims
these issues were fixed with the Freehand 10 release anyways.

Yes, I could google it and come up with the answers to many of my questions,
and I have, however I find it educational and interesting to discuss these
things in a group environment.  If the majority of the group feels that this
type of discussion is wrong let me know and I'll cease and desist from
further posts about such matters.  Possibly this is not the group for me.


David Miers

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