On 13 Mar 2004 at 18:55, Mishka wrote:

> how about, to make 16x20 or bigger enlargements? i mean, using
> 35mm-sized gear,with all the bells and whistles? a lowly canon g2
> makes decent 8x10 at iso 50. now, scale that density to 24x35mm sensor,
> and that would become 40x50! of course, assuming your slr lens can
> resolve 200 lpmm :)

You can make a print as big as you like with a 4 pixel image, it depends upon 
your threshold of acceptability :-)

Noise, sensitivity and exposure latitude of a G2 is no where near as good as 
achieved with lower density sensors. Higher density sensors such as found in 
the G5 limit lenses usability above medium apertures. Focus accuracy and lens 
registration and SLR finder system accuracy becomes much more of an issue if 
the full resolution potential is to be realized.

Rob Studdert
Tel +61-2-9554-4110
UTC(GMT)  +10 Hours
Pentax user since 1986, PDMLer since 1998

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