>From: "Christian Skofteland" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>My prediction for the future of Pentax DSLRs: No  24x36 sensors and no
>aperture rings.  As a matter of fact, if Pentax releases more 35mm SLRs 
>they won't need aperture rings either. And I'd put money on no new lenses 
>having aperture rings as well. (they may still produce and sell older 
>lenses with
>the rings, but no new designs will have them).  Pentax is SHOWING us the
>future.  We can bury our heads in the sand and ignore it or we can open 

Pentax needs to please SOMEBODY with its cameras and lenses, or nobody 
will buy them.  I'd suggest that loyal pentax users who still own lenses
without A settings and cameras without AV dials would be a likely group
for Pentax to sell future cameras and lenses to.  If the stuff isn't 
backward compatible, why not just buy a Canon like everybody else?

If Pentax gets it wrong and does not please somebody, they HAVE no future.
The camera market is not so monopolistic yet that the companies can push
"the future" on us willy-nilly.

>eyes, accept it and move on.  I'm holding my breath for another DSLR with
>the same basic features but higher pixel count

I myself wonder what has taken the 9MP cameras so long to come out.  
Perhaps the camera companies are at last overstretched trying to maintain 
the current rate of new developments and introductions.  Perhaps the real
sales are not at the SLR level but the P&S level anyway, where there IS
some increase in pixel counts.

> and (maybe) some kind of
>in-the-body-IS.   I'm not deluding myself into believing that Pentax will
>develop a line like Canon or even Nikon are and I'm certainly not 

I don't see a Pentax version of the D1 or EOS1 series, no.  The LX was the
only Pentax camera to ever try to compete at that level.  That doesn't 
mean than Pentax couldn't build something more like a digital PZ-1P than
a digital ME Super and sell it for $2000 or $2500.

>hoping, wanting a DSLR (or film body) with complete backwards 
>to M and K lenses.  It would be futile.

Not if people bought it it wouldn't.


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