----- Original Message ----- 
> Pentax needs to please SOMEBODY with its cameras and lenses, or nobody
> will buy them.  I'd suggest that loyal pentax users who still own lenses
> without A settings and cameras without AV dials would be a likely group
> for Pentax to sell future cameras and lenses to.  If the stuff isn't
> backward compatible, why not just buy a Canon like everybody else?

There are 70+ people on this list that have bought the *ist-D and that
number will grow.  This INCLUDES certain people who hate the fact that it is
not compatible with their K and M lenses.  The action of those people as
well as ALL the other people that buy the camera, validates Pentax's future
direction.  The only fate we can make is to not purchase the camera and show
Pentax that we want something different.  This is clearly not happening.
Apparently they ARE pleasing LOTS of people.

> If Pentax gets it wrong and does not please somebody, they HAVE no future.
> The camera market is not so monopolistic yet that the companies can push
> "the future" on us willy-nilly.

Apparently they have pleased the people who are buying the D and the people
who are reviewing it.  And don't think that you aren't being pushed.  Unless
you work for Pentax product development, the future is what they want it to
be, not what you want.

> >I'm not hoping, wanting a DSLR (or film body) with complete backwards
> >compatibility
> >to M and K lenses.  It would be futile.
> Not if people bought it it wouldn't.

People are ALREADY buying the bodies WITHOUT full compatability!!!!  Why
make anything else?  You are already validating the "future"!  How can
Pentax sell new lenses if all those people with 20+ year old lenses don't
buy any new ones? Why should Pentax cater to people who will not give them
new sales (in lenses; sure they might buy a new body, but, except for
"advanced" P&Sers, each body = several lenses).

For the record, I'm happy with the *ist-D and look forward to future
developments in Pentax lenses and DSLRs.


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