On 16 Mar 2004 at 10:32, Christian Skofteland wrote:

> What is your time frame?  How many years are you going to wait for Pentax to
> catch up?  Look, I'm happy that they finally released a camera that was
> (mostly) the answer to what I was looking for.  Is the *ist-D limited in
> functionality?  Yes, as far as lens compatability (sensor size, aperture
> ring); no, in terms of the features I need (don't get me started on the
> crappy software, but it looks like they are getting it together.  I honestly
> think the camera was rushed to market and the software was an
> afterthought...)

I have an interim camera now, I can wait.

> I agree, 8MP is probably the highest it can go.  I was reading reviews of
> the new Sony 8MP camera with a really small sensor.  It's pretty much
> unusable at high ISO.

The Sony sensor is tiny compared to the APS sensor so I'm not surprised however 
a real appreciation of high density limitation can be gained when looking at 
reviews of the E-1 system which is roughly the equivalent of a 7MP sensor in 
the APS format. The E-1 has 6.8um pixel size vs the *ist D 7.8um pixel 


> Even if they do come out with a 24x36mm sensor and a fantastic Limited wide
> angle with no aperture ring?

Hopefully Cosina will come the the rescue, their CEO has foresight.

> Shouldn't you be sleeping about now? ;-)

I was :-)

Rob Studdert
Tel +61-2-9554-4110
UTC(GMT)  +10 Hours
Pentax user since 1986, PDMLer since 1998

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