----- Original Message ----- 

Subject: Re: B&W developer quandry

> You'd have to do some clever measuring since the powdered
developers are
> not meant to be mixed in small batches.  You'd need a one-part
> (which allows D76 but not ID-11plus).  The main problem with
powders is
> that most of them want to be mixed hot.  There might also be a
> with uneven distribution of ingredients in the powder??

Believe it or not...........
The things you learn that work when you are a kid.
Even a two part developer can be split into smaller portions.

Each part has to be mixed well to ensure even distribution of the
various components.

Dump part A into a bowl and measure how many level spoonfuls there
repeat with part B.

Decide how many spoonfuls you need per portion and put into smaller
containers (I used sandwich bags).

Try as hard as I like, I just can't turn this stuff into rocket
science. It's just to much like grade 8 chemistry for that.

William Robb

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