I opened a message by Collin.
Sent: Friday, March 19, 2004 11:28 PM
Subject: OT: Active image communication

I got this slapped in my face:

"Keep an eye on the Left.
They complain any time we go after any group that hates America.
They were ambivalent about going after Al Queda & going into Afghanistan.
They really opposed overthrowing Marxists like Aristide and Saddam Hussein, et al.
After all, they share a common goal with the former and common world view with the 

I asked him:

"What's this crap doing on the PDML?
You sent it Collin. You explain.

There was no explanation.

I opened another message to take part of a discussion on DOF, and I got this slapped 
in my face by Collin:

"Keep an eye on the Left.
They complain any time we go after any group that hates America.
They were ambivalent about going after Al Queda & going into Afghanistan.
They really opposed overthrowing Marxists like Aristide and Saddam Hussein, et al.
After all, they share a common goal with the former and common world view with the 

In subsequent message Collin suggested:
> You'll get over it.

I responded:
"No, I won't, you arrogant little piece of shit!
Not as long as you keep trolling, littering this list and pissing in decent list 
member's faces with your moronic American right wing preachings."

Now enters William Robb:
From: "William Robb" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> I see that Kirkland Ramsey is back, manifesting himself as a
> Scandinavian twit.
> Lasse, if you want to continue this to the childlike extreme that you
> seem capable of, may I suggest you enter into an offensive sig file
> battle, instead of just spewing your own brand of puss

Who's spewing now?
Being compared to "Kirkland Ramsey", being called a "Scandinavian twit" as well as 
getting my posts characterized as "childlike extreme" and "spewing puss" by you only 
confirms my good case in this matter.
Now you are calling everybody who doesn't want Collin's American political preachings 
on the list to enter a sig. file flame war on U.S. domestic and international politics!
That's not only highly irresponsible, it may also mean a devastating blow to the PDML 
as such.


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