From: "William Robb" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> From: "Lasse Karlsson"
> Subject: Re: My own DOF confusion
> > Who's spewing now?
> > Being compared to "Kirkland Ramsey", being called a "Scandinavian
> twit" as well as getting my posts characterized as "childlike
> extreme" and "spewing puss" by you only confirms my good case in this
> matter.
> > Now you are calling everybody who doesn't want Collin's American
> political preachings on the list to enter a sig. file flame war on
> U.S. domestic and international politics!
> > That's not only highly irresponsible, it may also mean a
> devastating blow to the PDML as such.
> Only in your mind, my dear little man

I'm 184 cm:s tall. You may be fatter, but I am still a man.

>does my reply confirm your case.
> I am just calling it like I see it.

As am I right now.

> What you are doing by continuing this little diatribe on list may be
> far more devastating to the PDML than any sig files may do.

Who entered and is now continuing this diatribe, while complaining about others doing 
the same? You are a hypocrite.
> Your best bet is to try to stay on topic, and if you have issue with
> an off topic post, or portion thereof, take it up off list with the
> person in question.

Given your record of on list entering and continuing off topic posts as well as 
demeaning personal attacks, you're a hypocrite and you know it (as does everybody else 
who's been on PDML for a while).
I reserve off list communications for friendly contacts.

> At the moment, both you and Collin are close to hitting my auto
> delete, which is something I don't do lightly.

As if I'd give a rat's ass about who hits your auto delete.
If you want to killfile my posts, please do. I'm perfectly fine with whoever will be 


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