What about Paint Shop Pro or Photoshop Elements?  Much cheaper.  I far
prefer PSP to Photoshop anyway.  The Pentax RAW convertor in Photoshop
CS is the best out there at the moment though if you don't want to

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Jeff Geilenkirchen [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Sent: 25 March 2004 16:13
> Subject: Photo Software
> Hello everyone!
> I'm at a loss for use with photo software since my PhotoShop 
> CD appears to
> be not usable anymore when I needed to reinstall it.   :-/
> Does anyone have any recommendations for some economical 
> photoediting software as a replacement to PS since it's so 
> expensive?  Or would anyone know where to get PS copy at a 
> reduced price?
> Thoughts & suggestions are welcome!  :-)
> Thank you for your time,
> Jeff

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