Good points Matt!

The copy I have is pretty old.  Considering the advancement of digital photo
processing I figured there had to be something out there someone knew about
which could handle the same basic stuff that PhotoShop did at a more
reasonable price.


-----Original Message-----
From: Matt Giess [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, March 25, 2004 8:23 AM
Subject: Re: Photo Software

Hi Jeff

> I'm at a loss for use with photo software since my PhotoShop CD appears to
> be not usable anymore when I needed to reinstall it.   :-/

you should be able to approach the publishers of the software for a
replacement CD at a nominal cost - the massive cost of the software is for
the license to use it, not for the medium it is transferred to you in.  As
an example, I bought my girlfriend 'The Sims', a popular computer game, but
the CD was badly scratched by a dodgy CD drive.  We contacted the
manufacturer, and received a replacement CD for £7.50 ($12 or so) which
just covers the costs of actually sending us a new CD, not the cost of the

Of course, this assumes that you actually hold a licence and you have a
version of PhotoShop that is still supported - I'm not sure what will
happen if you have an older version.

I'm pretty sure that copyright law allows you to burn a back-up CD for your
own use, if you manage to get a replacement it may be worth doing so and
storing the original well out of harm's way - as both of us have found out
to our cost, CDs are not indestructible!

Hope this helps


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