You'll find in The GIMP

A great powerfull image editor program
If you need to edit photos it's ok, you probably won't miss Photoshop at all 
(however you'll need a little initial time to find it's great number of 

It's Free Software, i.e. you can download it and use it, even for commercial 
use, and you do not need to pay a buck for it .
Two days ago they have released the last stable version ( the 2.0 !!!!!!, it 
has been in unstable-status for three years long!!!!) so you'll probably need 
to look again in the next few days, as they are going to port all the old 
software to work with the new version in the next days.

There are also a lot of resources on how to use it.
one of the most complete is Grokking the GIMP:

(don't fear the work BOOK, it is on line in html, free access granted for 
everyone out there. Still you can buy a printed version, your choise)

Try it out, and let us know.
BTW (IIRC) it can use even photoshop filter, and there is also a program , 

 that converts RAW photo (from various manufacturer) into TIFF/jpeg that can 
work inside GIMP (you should really read more on the links I gave about this)

Once you'll know it, you really won't miss photoshop, instead you'll become to 
ask WHY so much person still use those expeeensive software (PS) for editing 

There is also a version used in film editing (it was used in a lot of films 
e.g. Scooby-Doo, and other i can't remember) and it's called Film-Gimp 
(formerly known as Gimp-Hollywood)

(sry, you must search with google for this one ;) )

(no, I am not involved at all in The GIMP project. I'm only a very satisfied 

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