On Fri, 26 Mar 2004 01:09:24 -0800, Shel Belinkoff wrote:

>Leon Altoff wrote:
>> I like the idea of style sheets, but Internet Explorer version 6 does
>> not fully support them - specifically you can use style sheets to
>> create frame like pages that aren't actually frames, but IE won't
>> display them correctly.  I spent hours trying to find what was wrong
>> with my code before I finally found this bit of information out
>Well, if IE6 doesn't support 'em, why the hell should I use
>'em if the idea is to make the content readily available to
>as many people as possible.

Style sheets are good and MOSTLY supported by IE6.  It just doesn't
support what I want to do with them.

>Right now I've got 10mb ... maybe more.  I'm not sure if I
>get 10mb total or 10mb for each email address.  However, the
>setup I now have doesn't allow for a domain name, which
>seems like an important consideration.

You will normally end up paying more for a domain name.  It's more
involved.  though there are ways of doing it - which cost more money of

>> Look around the web and see what you like and then copy it.   Later on
>> change it to suit your own style.
>Yeah, I've a list of sites that I like, but on some of them
>all the code is not accessible.  Seems like it references
>some code somewhere else that I can't access.

Style sheets and java scripts are often called files.  You can load
them by addressing them directly in the address bar.

>> If you use frames if can be difficult to reference individual pages.
>I don't think I want to use frames ...

I like frames for certain uses.  It makes navigation easy, but the lack
of direct addressing is a pain.

>> If you use Java script some people will not bother using it.
>Still not sure what Java script is and what benefit it may
>offer.  Doesn't seem like something I want unless it's
>needed for some specific function that I'm not aware of.

You can basically do what ever you like.   Leave cookies behind on the
user's machine, all sorts of things.  this is why a lot of people turn
java script off, it can be a security hole.

>> In terms of how much room you have you can look at the sites I have had
>> something to do with.
>Will do ... I'll let you know what I think ...

They are all basic, but they work.



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