
Javascript is a subset of Java which is an html scripting language.

Javascript is not a subset of Java. Despite their similar names, Javascript and Java are two totally separate things.

Its problem is that it run browser side (on the users machine). PHP is
also an html scripting language, but it runs server side. The commercial
website builders seem to prefer Javascript (remember they also like
Macromedia Flash a browser side graphical language). The non-commercial
crowd much prefer PHP.

I don't really know what you mean by "commercial" and "non-commercial" website builders, but my experience is that people that do websites for a living almost always use server side scripting techniques like PHP, ASP, JSP, CGI etc. They use a lot of Javascript as well, while home programmers more often use Javascript only, even to tasks that Javascript is ill suited, since in order to use server side scripting you'd have to have control over the server, which home programmers more seldom have.

med dagens bild och allt!

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