Okay, while I'm absorbing that, tell me...I was always told .nu had a question mark after it, like: Nu?


keith whaley <g>

Anders Hultman wrote:
On Thu, 13 May 2004, Keith Whaley wrote:

Please excuse my ignorance, but where do the Finns fit in?
I always think of Scandinavia as being comprised of 4 countries, yet it seems most Scandinavians don't include Finland.

Which four?

When looking up Scandinavia, my dictionary says it's comprised of Denmark, Sweden and Norway, but then says, "...and sometimes Finland and Iceland."

Why is that?

Historic and cultural reasons, mainly. All these five countries have in
some point in time had the same king as at least one of the others. Many
people over here think of all five countries as belonging together, and
don't distinguish that much between what should be called "Scandinavia" or
"The Nordic Region" or whatever.

But to be correct I suppose that Scandinavia proper should be just Sweden
and Norway, since they are located on the Scandinavian peninsula while the
others are not.

med dagens bild och allt!

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