What about Åland?

Proud member of the Geography Discussion Mailling List (GDML)..

oh poo. typo when i signed up.. what's this Pentax- is it a country?

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Jens Bladt" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, May 14, 2004 3:49 PM
Subject: RE: Reply, antwort, svar etc

> Scandinavia is (only) three nations (3); Denmark, Norway and Sweeden. The
> reasons for seeing the three countries as one region is not of geographic
> geological (peninsula) origin, but rather a cultural and ethnic/genetic
> thing - we have basicly the same language. "Norden" (The North) includes
> more nations (5 totaly) - Iceland and Finland.
> Jens Bladt
> http://hjem.get2net.dk/bladt
> -----Oprindelig meddelelse-----
> Fra: Anders Hultman [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sendt: 13. maj 2004 21:20
> Emne: Re: SV: Reply, antwort, svar etc
> On Thu, 13 May 2004, Keith Whaley wrote:
> > Please excuse my ignorance, but where do the Finns fit in?
> > I always think of Scandinavia as being comprised of 4 countries, yet it
> > seems most Scandinavians don't include Finland.
> Which four?
> > When looking up Scandinavia, my dictionary says it's comprised of
> > Denmark, Sweden and Norway, but then says, "...and sometimes Finland and
> > Iceland."
> >
> > Why is that?
> Historic and cultural reasons, mainly. All these five countries have in
> some point in time had the same king as at least one of the others. Many
> people over here think of all five countries as belonging together, and
> don't distinguish that much between what should be called "Scandinavia" or
> "The Nordic Region" or whatever.
> But to be correct I suppose that Scandinavia proper should be just Sweden
> and Norway, since they are located on the Scandinavian peninsula while the
> others are not.
> anders
> -------------------------
> http://anders.hultman.nu/
> med dagens bild och allt!

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