On 16/5/04, TROUBLE, discombobulated, offered:


>I was wondering what you will be doing Cotty, Jostein etc?  And also what
>those who have done international travel in the past have done?
>It is kinda hard as I actually have to bring over 2 weeks worth of clothes
>etc with me, as well as extra jackets etc for warmth at GFM, so I do need to
>take quite a bit of stuff.
>Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated...

Yeah - all that Wychwood's will be well shook-up by the time you guys get
to sample it outside Bill's trailer ;-)

Tan, my advice would be to either:

go for a combo camera bag/laptop carrier and just hoik it over your
shoulder as a carry-on. they don't weight the carry-on stuff, unless it
obviously looks too heavy. I mean, you should see what some people try to
get on board with as carry-on, and succeed! I've seen TV's in original
boxes, microwave ovens, all sorts. If you look nice and cool with a
rucksack or shoulder bag, with camera and a few lenses, laptop, a few
bits and bobs in, you won't get ejected, even if the weight of it is
showing up on the airport radar system.


take your camera rucksack, and your lappy in it's own slim lappy-bag.
Laptops don't usually count as 'a piece' of carry-on luggage. If you look
at all the business ladies and gents stepping out of business class,
they're each carrying the usual shoulder bag with their bits and bobs in,
and a slim laptop bag as well. No problem.


For myself, I have one of these I will be using:


although I do have one of these also that would fit the bill:


I will take the backpack as carry-on, with camera, and 3 lenses, and
laptop and loads of bits. It will weigh much more than 7Kkg! But it will
be on my shoulder when i check in and it will look like a normal rucksack
with my sarnies inside. The bag(s) I check in will have clothing +
personal stuff, sleeping bag, tripod (in bag), and one of these:


which will have some more lenses aboard. They can get bashed about as
much as they like.


Just going back to carry-on weight, I really wouldn't worry too much
because if for any reason (after you have checked in your hold baggage) 
someone later says 'excuse me mam, but that carry-on bag looks rather
heavy....'  you can say 'yes, what about it?'

'Well, you're only allowed 7 Kg'

'Sorry old chum but I have all my make-up in this bag and where I go, it

'Well I'm afraid it's overweight and we can't allow you on with all that'.

'Oh really, so what do you propose I do?'

'I'm afraid you'll have to leave it all behind except for the hair
curling tongue'

'Oh I don't think so Jackeroo'

'Well you're not getting on with that'

'Okay, fine'.

'Pardon me?'

'I said fine. I won't get on'.


'And do you know what will happen if I don't get on?'

'Your hubby will come and weld my butt to the tower?'

'Nope - if i don't get on, you're going to have to get on your little
radio and call up your boss and tell them that a nice lady with a bit of
a hump on, refuses to get on the plane unless her make-up bag gets on as
well. And if I don't get on, then that means you will have to retrieve my
hold baggage, because then it will be UNACCOMPANIED, and that's a no-no.
And to retrieve it, that means opening up those nice big doors and
rifling about for my other bags, and guess what - that means that the
plane might well just miss it's take-off window, and guess what happens
THEN!!! Might need to top off the tanks, might need to reschedule
departure, might need to call an ambulance for when the airline manager
comes down and busts your pimply ass!!'

'Er, yes I see.'

'So, are you going to let me on with my small and dainty make-up bag that
weighs the same as three Boeing 747 landing wheels?'

'This way please miss, welcome aboard Qantas flight 666, please have a
seat and enjoy your flight'.

'Naff off you slimy little twerp'.

.....or words to that effect.

No worries, you'll get on ;-)


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