> Still not that pleased with the camera, more so the medium. > It's doing the job however I am still shitty about the AOV > limitations.
I know what you mean, Rob. This issue hasn't been as much of a problem for me yet as I thought it would be, but I've only had the istD for a couple of weeks. Right now I've got my sights on the Sigma EX 12-24/4.5-5.6, unless something better comes along by the time I get around to buying it. > What I'm enjoying is > the relative low noise in high ISO images, this is something > I've not had before and it's let me shoot a whole lot more > macro under available light which is by far my preference. Tell me about it! I took a bunch of shots yesterday morning at ISO 1600 by accident, and I couldn't believe how crisp they were. The backgrounds were a little noisy but the foregrounds were nice and sharp.