Hi Team,

Just arrived back from a short (2400km 9 day) road trip to the north of the 
state (NSW) and I've almost ploughed through the 2000+ PDML messages that were 
awaiting my return. Fortunately due to the contents of quite a few of the 
threads bulk deleting was easy, boy I'm glad I missed that lot.

This was my first extended trip shooting only digital in small format. I'm not 
missing film at all for this type of photography however I did still have a 
small 67 kit in tow when the right light and worthy scene presented its self.

I took no computers as such, this was a holiday, the last thing I wanted to see 
was a computer. So I used my X-Drive to DL the images as the cards filled or at 
the end of every day (whichever came first). I engaged in not editing or 
deletion, everything was copied to the portable drive then the cards were 
dutifully erased. I used the review functions primarily only for exposure 
confirmation and as metering for my medium format film shots.

When I arrived home down-loading the X-Drive and thumb-nailing the images 
seemed like a very similar experience to laying film images out on a light 
table, just faster and less costly. I had forgotten a lot of what I had shot 
and was pleasantly surprised.

I shot probably just a little more than I would have when shooting film but 
I've never been too conservative there either. The extra shots were generally a 
product of a little auto-bracketing for insurance and some pano experiments. I 
shot very little 120 film, in fact only one roll but then again I was rarely at 
the right place in the best light as the trip was a little rushed and not 
primarily a photo-expedition so I feel exonerated :-)

You will probably see some of the images as PAW over then next few weeks.


Rob Studdert
Tel +61-2-9554-4110
UTC(GMT)  +10 Hours
Pentax user since 1986, PDMLer since 1998

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