On 23 May 2004 at 22:22, Christian Skofteland wrote:

> Funny how you didn't seem too impressed by the *ist D when I was there in
> October but now you seem very enthusiastic about it!

Still not that pleased with the camera, more so the medium. It's doing the job
however I am still shitty about the AOV limitations. I only had enough
room for my 20/2.8 in my travel pack so I was somewhat limited in quite a few
instances, hopefully the multi-image shots will stitch OK.

> I think it's great.  My macro shots have improved 1000%  Take shot, review
> exposure, move on or re-take as needed.  It's really helped me improve my
> flash-natural light balance.  No more  black backgrounds with the bugs!

I'm enjoying it but remember I had the Oly E-10 for two years before I got the
*ist D so I was well aware of what to expect and the Oly was a damned good
camera. What I'm enjoying is the relative low noise in high ISO images, this is 
something I've
not had before and it's let me shoot a whole lot more macro under available
light which is by far my preference.

> limitations, blah, blah, limitations.  I have a 20x30 inch print in my
> living room that is freakin' amazing.  proof is in the puddin' as they say
> around here!

Agreed but dude, you should see the output from my Mamiya 7 Velvia/Provia film 
scanned on my LS-8000, that's impressive (regardless of all these BS film vs 
digi web tests) but of course they each have their place. :-)


Rob Studdert
Tel +61-2-9554-4110
UTC(GMT)  +10 Hours
Pentax user since 1986, PDMLer since 1998

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