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Be prepared for LOTS of PDML messages per day.

In addition to the A 35-70 3.5/4.5, you also
might want to consider the A 35-70 f4, an earlier
and slightly larger lens.  The constant f4 has a
58mm thread, focuses to slightly beyond 1:3 life
size at 70, and is a 2-touch.  Noticable barrel
distortion at 35, which is pretty much gone by

The only complaints about the f4 on list have
been focus and zoom feel; I find it much better
than almost any autofocus lens.

And it's more than usable, wide open, in my

Jon M wrote:
Hey y'all! Just thought I'd introduce myself.

My name is Jon, and I'm a Pentax enthusiast from North
Carolina, USA. I got started with a K1000, and have
recently aquired (super cheap) an A3000. My current
selection of glass is as follows:

SMC Pentax-A 50mm 1:2
Sears 80mm-200mm 1:4
Vivitar 24mm-48mm 1:3.8 (rarely used, wobbles and is

I've been considering the SMC Pentax-A 35mm-70mm
3.5-4.5 macro as my next lens purchase, partly to
replace the Vivitar lens. Any thoughts about this
lens, or suggestions for something better? What I want
is something that'll do for most purposes, so I'm not
constantly switching from one lens to another.

As for what type of photography I do, I take pictures
of whatever catches my eye, be it mountains, the sea,
a road, or a critter of some variety. I don't have
much online, tho I do have this shot of the Blue Ridge
Parkway: http://jon.beigetower.org/photo.html

Happy Pentax-ing. :) -Jon.

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