I don't have any direct evidence with the FA*24 or FA/F135 only what others have said, once again I've seen mixed
reviews but the preponderance of these were favorable. Some of the difference could be ascribed to different expectations
and some to sample variations. Besides which Alan I already know that you're on Pentax's special list to receive product rejects ;-) .
I was fairly impressed with the M 135 though.

Alan Chan wrote:

IMHO, FA*24/2 & F/FA135/2.8 aren't that great optically. In fact, I found the M135/3.5 to be sharper than the F/FA135/2.8 near wide open.

Alan Chan

This I don't understand, the 24's are no more problematic than the 28's. The K 3.5 and 2.8 have excellent
reputations, the FA 2.0 also. The only one I've heard really bad things about is the A 2.8 which has mixed
reviews, sample variations anyone?

The 135's are also given mostly high marks. The K 3.5 2.8 and A 1.8 lenses are legendary, The FA 2.8 and F 2.8 are
at least equal in optical quality to the K's the M 3.5 is a solid performer if not quite up to the standards of the previous
lenses. Only the A 2.8 has a less than stellar reputation. Which is just what you'd expect from a class of lenses that
has had the amount of history and R&D that 135's have had lavished on them over the years.

The non SMC models of the 135's are another matter entirely, but they were budget lenses.

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