That was what I thought as well, until I did some test. I took a few sets of pictures (Z-1p, F*300/4.5, Arca Swiss B1 ballhead, Gitzo G1349 tripod) with and without the lens tripod collar at every aperture. To my surprise, both sets of slides with and without the 2s mirror-prefire turned out to be less sharp than without using the lens tripod collar (cable released was used). To confirm this finding, I then tried it on tripod again and looking though the viewfinder. When using the lens tripod collar, the lens/camera kept bouncing slightly for quite awhile and is visible though the viewfinder. Without the lens tripod collar, the vibration quickly settled. I have not used the lens tripod collar with my F*300/4.5 since. Perhaps I should purchase the FA* if I had this knowledge few years ago. But it is true that for a setup like this without the tripod collar, the choice of tripod head is vital.

Alan Chan

Pentax may have thought is was fine, but many users find the lack of tripod
collar a major oversight.  I think structurally, the camera should be ok,
but you will probably have some vibration issues to sort out.

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