By suggesting a scanner, you're suggesting then that the darkroom is dead.
However, while its use may be declining, it is far from dead.  There is
even a resurgance in older darkroom and photographic techniques, and just
the other day I learned, contrary to what many people, myself included,
believed, Kodak is still producing their wonderful Azo paper.  Talk about a
small or niche market.  So, if so small a market can be supported by Kodak
for so long with what was a relatively obscure paper more than a decade
ago, there is still plenty of room for B&W film of various styles and

Jerry Todd
Dancing Frog Sudios
Calaveras, California

From: Steve Jolly <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Given a spiral tank, a changing bag, a sink 
> and a negative scanner, I think your average film enthusiast could keep 
> him/herself happy pretty much indefinitely.  (This was my approach before 
> I got access to a darkroom.)

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