News flash - even if the big boys stop making film, as long as there is demand, someone will meet it. There will always (and are) companies that specialize in "twilight markets" and no, the cost will not be 20x more expensive, more expensive yes, but not 20x. And I also don't give a damn, what will happen will happen and there's not a thing we can do about it (except speculate, which seems to be a hobby for some people).

Otis Wright wrote:

Market, maybe. You might want to thing about the fact that this is a mature industry with large plants working on small per unit margins. Plants wear out. As the volume drops, I suspect it will be very difficult to obtain the funds that are needed to keep the factory form the "banker" who has alternate options with better return. Soon, if not already, requests and plans for significant investment will the naturally tainted and for sure, quite thoroughly question. When these large plants go stop making film, the quantum impact in the marketplace is likely to a rather quick significant adjustment that has is to a large extent independent of the shape of the damned curve. Just my two cents..

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