Tom C articulated -
" Shooting a landscape with an SLR on a tripod is useful for the same reason
 as putting any camera on a tripod... stability... a more deliberate
 composition... works especially well with a ballhead IMO"

Yes but it can also limit your  compositional options if you simply plop
down your camera & tripod, compose and expose.
The fact that you already have you camera on a tripod will limit you to the
height limits of the tripod or more likely you'll simply take the image at
the height the tripod is set to.
I always use a tripod, (well 99.9% of the time), but try to hand hold the
camera before I put it on the tripod to check out the options for
compositions. For that matter I try to see the image through my un-camera
aided eye to determine what lens I want to use.

Kenneth Waller

----- Original Message -----
Subject: RE: Film vs Digita, was: lRe: Pentax is Dying?

> Autofocus works just fine for landscapes... more often so when focus is at
> infinity...
> OK - here I'll argue a point just to hear myself...
> Shooting a landscape with an SLR on a tripod is useful for the same reason
> as putting any camera on a tripod... stability... a more deliberate
> composition... works especialy well with a ballhead IMO.
> Tom C.

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