Hello Tom,

slowing down and thinking through the shot is a good thing to do.  But
it doesn't require medium format to do it.  Why are you using AF now? (at least
by your post, it sounds like you are)  I only use AF in rare instances
no matter what body I shoot with.  Fully controlling your shots is a
good thing, but can be done in 35mm just as well as 67 or 4X5.
Shooting an MX is just about the same experience as shooting a 67
(I've done both).

Best regards,

Tuesday, July 27, 2004, 10:57:58 AM, you wrote:

TC> Followup... actually I'd like to try 4 X 5.  I do think one can 'craft' a
TC> shot regardless of format. That's why I think going to a 67 and all manual
TC> focus will help in that regard.

TC> Tom C.

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