----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Caveman"
Subject: Caveman goes digital

> So now I have some questions - not brand specific. I've read that
> people preffer to use these digi P&S with a "low sharpening"
setting and
> the lowest ISO, and do the sharpening later in Photoshop or
> Their claim is that the sharpening is more gently done this way and
> noise is kept to a minimum. Is anyone here using a similar
technique ?
> Could you comment on it ?

Not so much that the sharpening is more gently done, as that the
sharpening, once done, cannot be undone.
I can add contrast or saturation or sharpness later in Photoshop.
The reverse is not as possible.

> Second question - is there any point in buying high speed CF cards
> P&S digicams ?

I doubt it. The cameras themselves are very slow.

> Third question - has anyone compared the RAW output with the finest
> setting ? is it worth to shoot in RAW ?

RAW is nice in that you are not locked into a white balance, and you
have more latitude, both colour and exposure, to play with.
However, it is pretty hard to tell the difference between an image
saved as best quality JPEG and one that has been saved as RAW and
manipulated later, providing the white balance, hue saturation and
contrast settings were correct when the jpeg image was taken.

> And the final question. Since now I'm on a shopping spree, I'm also
> looking at something more serious, like a DSLR. In my price range
> the Nikon D70, Canon 10D and digirebel, and the *ist D. Which one
> caveman buy ? (in its infinite wisdom Pentax made my current lenses
> unusable on the *ist, so I'm open to any suggestion).

The only way your current lenses are unusable on the istD is if you
don't have Pentax mountable lenses.
K and M lenses work very well on the istD.

William Robb

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