All of your pentax lenses are useable on the *istD. I have some FA lenses, but I prefer many of my K-series versions and shoot with them. The first release *istD did not have the necessary firmware to meter with K lenses. The new ones do, and they work fine. It's simply a matter of selecting your ap and pushing a button before you fire. The camera will then select a shutter speed. It's center weighted metering, and it works fine. Basically, you have a metering function similar to ap priority on the LX. Of course, with A lenses, the *istD provides the full range of metering option.
On Aug 7, 2004, at 9:28 PM, Caveman wrote:

And the final question. Since now I'm on a shopping spree, I'm also looking at something more serious, like a DSLR. In my price range are the Nikon D70, Canon 10D and digirebel, and the *ist D. Which one should caveman buy ? (in its infinite wisdom Pentax made my current lenses unusable on the *ist, so I'm open to any suggestion).


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