
Exactly how is the "welcome spirit of the PUG" violated? I think that "Wide
Angle Point of View" should be eliminated as it violates this so-called
"welcome spirit of the PUG" in as much as some Pentax users have no wide
angle lens and don't (currently) have the money to buy one and will feel
excluded - same with the short telephoto theme. Then there's the "My Best
Lens" category which will leave all those who only have a point and shoot
feeling left out as they only have one choice. In fact the entire PUG is
bent toward cameras with interchangeable lenses and serious exposure
controls, screw the P&S's. Don't believe me? Do a little stat work of your

I am tired of the current bent towards a form of "inclusively" that prevents
other folks from showing any pride in (or thanks for) anything that has
brought joy to their lives if _everybody_ doesn't own said joy toy.

The LX was and is a major milestone in Pentax cameras. This is just as true
for the Spotmatic. I don't own a Spotmatic, but I'd like to see and enjoy an
occasional gallery for this superb camera. An occasional gallery for the 645
and also for the 6x7 would be enjoyable too. No doubt other's would also be
great. Frankly, I'd like to see a P&S only gallery. I have this feeling that
some of us (me included) need a little humility which I have no doubt will
result from P&S photos of better quality than those we take with our

Even though I have only submitted one photo to the PUG, I visit it
regularly. I do this because I enjoy seeing other's images. You see, the PUG
isn't just an ego trip for me or for others to show off and possibly be hurt
if we can't participate in some rare side item associated with the PUG. It's
about receiving and enjoying what others have to offer, and if appropriate,
share in their joy or sorrow.

The military is a very inclusive organization, and no other institution on
earth does more to make everyone look like everyone else than they do.
Nevertheless, they still single out excellence and hand out medals for
meritorious service... and not everyone gets to participate!

That's my opinion and I'm sticking to it.


Give blood. Play hockey.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Doug Brewer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, April 26, 2001 6:04 PM
Subject: Re: LX Gallery

> An exclusive gallery, whether or not it displaces a regularly scheduled
gallery, violates the welcome spirit of the PUG.
> Doug
> At 6:46 PM -05004/26/01, Chris Brogden caused thus to appear:
> >
> >But the LX gallery won't replace the regular gallery, Doug.  There will
> >still be a normal gallery, and the LX gallery will just be a little
> >something extra to commemorate its passing.
> >
> >
> >I don't think that the addition of a commemorative gallery is a threat to
> >the inclusiveness of the PUG gallery, which will still continue exactly
> >scheduled.

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