Robert Woerner felt lonesome in his filmness and wrote:

"You digital guys are bringing me down."

Non illegitimi carborundum. The digitalphiles are a bunch of pinheaded geeks
who would rather waste countless hours in Photoshop trying to fix their
awful contrast inhibited detailess soulless abomination digital captures
than they would taking incredibly lush, so sharp they cut your eye when you
look at them honest film based pictures.

"I really enjoy shooting film. Changing film after 24 or 36 exp is not a
"hassle" for me. I like the results I get from film. I can use an all manual
body like my Spotmatic or my MZ-S. Fun. It really is too bad that film is on
the wane in the world. My lab's film business is booming and they are a
start-up lab(opened approx 2 yrs ago). They also process REAL black and
white and 120/220 and, holy moly, SLIDE FILM."

I really enjoy shooting film too. I shoot slide film. I finish the roll,
mail it off and get it back in a week. I love slide film. I love the
incredibly sharp (resolution and acutance) slides I get. I love the awesome
color. I love the fact that I don't need a computer to look at them. 20
slides to a page in my books. Easy to sort through. Easy to find what I
want. Not like those stupid cds that require a <choke> <gag> computer to
even view.

"Digital is way too clean and technology intense for me right now. With my
film cameras I don't have to worry about how good my pc is."

Digital photography sucks. The cameras suck. The images suck. The software
sucks. The digital shooters have been bamboozled and hornswoggled into
paying $$$$$$ for inferior results.

"Sorry, just felt the need to rant."

That really wasn't much of a rant. A good rant requires insults, gross
exagerations, many mispelings and has to be outrageous beyond belief.

Tom (a film shooter) Reese

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