I too enjoy film. I just haven't shot any in nearly a year. More than film, I enjoy being able to take a single shot or a few shots, go right to the computer with the files, and print a nice enlargement immediately, with no film or processing costs and no delays.

The irony and sad part (to me) is that we are in such a floresence of wonderful films. I love Provia 100F and 400F, and rather like E100G. Velvia 100F and Agfa Ultra 100 have given me some nice results, as have Reala, NPZ 800, and Portra 400 UC (now Ultra Color 400). I would love to try the new Kodak Ultra 100. I haven't yet tried Astia 100F. I may never try either of these, and certainly will never use them much.

I give presentations at conferences several times a year. I usually illustrate them with great slides taken with Pentax gear. Suddenly I am finding that old-fashioned slide projectors are disappearing from conferences. One has to fight to get one. Everyone uses PowerPoint. I thought I would continue using slide film at least for presentation material, but it now appears that I have little reason to.

It is, for me, bittersweet to own the *ist D. I love film. I love digital differently, but also more than I love film. In about a month I will reach my first anniversary of my last roll of film. I honestly don't know if I'll ever shoot another.


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