Pat White said: 
> Some of my photographically casual friends ask why I don't use Wal-Mart or
> Costco for processing, since it's cheaper.  They seem to find the quality
> acceptable.  Perhaps they actually are the voice of the masses.  Sometimes
> they can see the difference when I point it out, but often they don't care.
> So many people just want to see a tiny image on the LCD screen of their
> digicam, or just email their happy snaps to their friends.  They don't seem
> to care about prints anymore.  That may be the real cause for the decline in
> film use.
e not!
> Pat White
Pat, I think you hit the nail on the head with that statement. I have people ask me the
same question. 
Obvioulsly cheaper is better. The prints must only be for quick viewing then stored.
My local Shoppers Drug Mart sells 4x6's for $0.29 and the quality,at least in my 
after several 
try's,was crap. Major dust spots, muddy colours in both sRGB and RGB. i now use Future
shop at 
$0.39 per 4x6. That $0.10 makes a world of difference.
Probably because they have hired people like Bill Robb,Bill Owens and Butch Black that
know what 
they are doing.To these dedicated print pushes,I salute you.<vbg>



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