Hmmm, tough choice. I haven't read the other comments yet, but I'm forging
ahead anyway.

Don't be offended, but I don't care for either. Instead, I like parts of
both. The first one has got a great balance to it with the curving,
cloud-shrouded peak in the upper right third and the kayak in the lower left
third. But the kayak doesn't do it for me. Too modern and new, not enough
history. IMO, boats in pictures need to have character and age to make me
wonder "How did that get there? What's its story?"

Okay, the second one has better boats in that they create angles and lines
that attract my eye, plus there's the old wood under the boats. But the
peaks in the background aren't as curvy as the first.

Anyway, there's my US$.02.


On 9/2/04 9:38, Caveman wrote:

> Which one do you guys preffer and why ?
> Cheers !

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