Paul Stenquist <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>But many of us are not disappointed. And sometimes we should commend 
>Pentax for doing a good job. They've just released a $700 DSLR that 
>will work to one extent or another with almost every Pentax lens 
>manufactured in the last forty years. I say, "job well done."

And I say I'd be disappointed if they *did* have full K/M lens
compatibility on the ist-Ds. This camera is for newbies to SLRs and to
Pentax, not for experienced folks like those of us on this list. At
$700 retail, Pentax's profit margin is going to be
thin-to-non-existent. The company needs to sell *new* lenses for this
camera to make *profit* (so they can stay in business and keep making
products like those fab new macro lenses and the Limited series for us
"serious enthusiasts").

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