There may have been technical reasons for abandoning the stop down mechanism. And even if there were not, when a manufacturer has to trim costs, it will look at all options. Even if it was only a sales tool, I think it was justified. Pentax is obviously having to struggle mightily to stay competitive in economic terms. As long as they accommodate the K and M lenses for al us old timers who still want to use them, I'm satisfied. They don't have to make it a no-brainer for the newbies.
On Sep 15, 2004, at 7:02 PM, Rob Studdert wrote:

On 15 Sep 2004 at 18:40, Paul Stenquist wrote:

You still don't get it. Pentax didn't change their lens mount. K and M
lenses work just fine with the *istD. Nearly everyone on the list who
owns an *istD uses them on a regular basis. I think you should try it
before you form an opinion. The mechanical linkage is an unnecessary
addition that might well interfere with some other operation.

Paul you know advertising/marketing, do you really truly think that dropping
the compatibility was more than a sales tools? There really is no sound
technical reason for its exclusion, Pentax have been able to integrate it
successfully for years on all bodies from the cheapest to the most expensive
(but for a few cameras not worthy of the Pentax name).

Rob Studdert HURSTVILLE AUSTRALIA Tel +61-2-9554-4110 UTC(GMT) +10 Hours [EMAIL PROTECTED] Pentax user since 1986, PDMLer since 1998

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