Assuming EVERYTHING you say is absolutely correct, so what!?  Larry is
getting the results he wants using the technique and gear that works for
him.  So, what's the big deal?

One thing that you must remember is that Larry's photographing out west,
where the vistas and distances and scenery are very different than the
relatively close scenery in the east.  I know where Larry's photographing. 
His equipment choice makes sense from the POV of ease and convenience.  And
he obviously enjoys the post processing techniques. And he's used LF gear,
so he has a point of comparison.  You've neither photographed out west
(AFAIK) nor used the camera and software he's using.  So, who's better to
judge what's best for Larry?


> From: J. C. O'Connell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> How about a SINGLE exposure? (Decisive Moment)
> How about selective DOF?
> How about lower distortion?
> How about camera movements?
> How about accurate composition on the ground glass.
> How about a true Plane of focus at ANY distance?
> There's probably a whole lot more too....
> Those reasons above are huge and make the stitching
> technique seriously limited compared to normal LF photography.
> I think the DSLR solution is a better digital camera
> with a bigger and higher resolution sensor,  not
> stitching. But even then you arent going to get
> the movements with all your lenses like you do with

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