Keith Whaley wrote:

> Words don't have much meaning any more, do they? It falls in 
> line with an increasing lack of respect by those in the first 
> 1/3 of their allotted life span.
> Superlatives have long since attained mediocrity status. 
> Little or no need for the word anymore, in fact!
> When one has a group of 4 increasing larger, let's say 
> coffee, containers and the smallest of the group is called 
> "Giant," well, all comparison is lost, isn't it.
> Being a "Classic" implies something. The precise definition 
> is subject to discussion, but I'd think universally it would 
> mean older, well-respected, capable, very popular in it's 
> time, no longer manufactured, and was superceded by many who 
> tried to emulate it's success, but in the end most failed to 
> measure up. All of which leed to an increased appreciation 
> for the article in question.
> Vintage is a good companion word.
> My thesaurus says classic is "serving as a standard of 
> excellence," or "being of old, recognized, and enduring 
> interest, importance, or quality."
> Amateur Photographer is really pushing it!
> There ARE no classic digital cameras yet, even if one or two 
> potentially exist...of which I harbor doubt...  <g>

Thanks for the replies on this subject. I have to say that I think Keith has
hit this one squarely on the head.

I am reminded of a cartoon from MAD magazine (probably from the late 70s)
which showed 4 Pizza shops in a row. The first said it was the best in the
city, the second was the best in the country, the third claimed to be the
best in the world and the last stated it was the best in the block.


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