frank theriault wrote:


So, what has all this to do with this thread?  Well, when a catcher
moves up the line to block the plate, it's within the rules for a base
runner to "run over him" to get to home.  Rose was within the rules of
the game.

BUT, it was an All Star (exhibition) game.  It meant nothing.  Even if
it was a regular season game, is it worth endangering someone's life,
even if it's within the rules?

Here's my point.  Rose may not have broken any rules (on that play),
but he was still an asshole.

Rose never DID follow many of the rules, did he.
And even today, as much as he wants the accolades and trappings of "fame" all he has is infamy.
In my opinion, it served him right.

Rules often indicate only a minimum required behaviour, not a golden
standard.  Playing barely within the rules doesn't mean that one is
being moral or is even much above reprehensable.

Sorry for that long post, but I've long had a pet peeve WRT those that
equate "legal" with "ethical"...

thanks for listening to this rather long diatribe.


I think you're right, Frank. I'm on your side... <g>


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