I think the "1 step reduction = no mushiness" is quite subject dependant.
Focus Magic, along with a handful of other plug-ins I've tried, can do
things Photoshop _can't_ do.  I remember submitting a shot of a peacock
to PUG where I resorted to Focus Magic to remove mushiness.  Standard
unmask sharpening techniques, of which I know quite a few, did not give
similar results.

Shel Belinkoff wrote:


When the file size is reduced in one step, using Bicubic or Bicubic
Sharper, there is no mushiness. It's only when reducing by steps, or
increments, did the mushiness appear. Focus Magic is an interesting
program, but I'd much rather use good Photoshop techniques and implement
them well than to rely on plug-ins and programs to do the work for me. Since posting the original question I've learned a couple of techniques
that can only improve the quality of reduced files without having to rely
on outside programs or plug-ins, and which also allow for very precise
local sharpening, contrast control, and the like.

Thanks for your suggestion.  For now, at least, I'll pass on it.


[Original Message]
From: Lon Williamson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: 11/15/2004 2:45:09 AM
Subject: Re: OT: Reducing File Size with Photoshop

Here's a neat trick:  Reduce the file size in one big
mushy step, then use Focus Magic.  It does a very nifty
job of demushing in this situation.

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