
OK we've now got quite a few DSLR owners on board with a bit of use behind them, how about a quick informal usage survey?


For those DSLR users with 35mm gear who thought before buying their DSLR that their 35mm film usage would:

        Remain the same?
        Be halved?
        Become occasional?
        Become specific (i.e. B&W only or high ISO or slide only)?
        Cease all together?

Did your subsequent actual film use match your prior expectations?

Yes, I expected that it gradually will cease all together. I still have no convenient and of reasonably quality way to take care of my film...

For users who had Pentax SLRs prior to purchasing a Pentax DSLR did you end up buying one or more new lenses specifically to suite the DSLR?

Yes. I bought Sigma 18/3.5 (thanks J.C.O.) in order to have anything wider than 24 mm. May be one day I will run a roll of film through my ZX-L to amaze myself with super wide angle...

The only thing that I should notice - I did not really buy my *istD...



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