>Yesterday I shot 36 exposures.  The day before about the same.  What does
that tell you?  Nothing ....

... Tells me you're shooting film & you better get busy today ..... <BG>

Kenneth Waller
(yesterday I recorded my 2000th image on my *istD, that's a film/processing 
savings of approx $975 for me over the cost of slides. Only 782 more digital 
images to go before I've saved enough in processing to cover the cost of the 

-----Original Message-----
From: Shel Belinkoff <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Subject: RE: Digital profligacy

Just as silly as those who constantly tell us how many thousands of shots
they made with their DSLR cameras.  My comment was sarcastic.  Who cares
how many frames have been shot.  Let's see the photos.  Which are good and
which are interesting and which have lasting value.

Yesterday I shot 36 exposures.  The day before about the same.  What does
that tell you?  Nothing ....


> [Original Message]
> From: Rob Studdert 

> > I just heard from a Leica owner who had his Leica I refurbished - that
> > a Leica manufactured in about 1933, and which has been in his family
> > new.  Come back in 70 years and we'll talk <LOL>  
> > 
> > I wonder which camera has taken the most interesting photographs.
> Yes I wonder. I wonder if the Leica has shot more than 3 rolls of film
> Silly questions really don't you think?

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