> Well, my week long photo excursion is over, and I had a blast.
Of course you did, you got to see me.  :)

>Ate some bad food.
Your one lucky guy aren't you?
> Grandfather is a great place to shoot. If you can get there, you should
> definitely check it out. You could incorporate it into a trip down the
> Blue Ridge Parkway, or spend several days in the area. If you get there,
> go to the lunch room and have the BBQ sandwich and the vegetable soup.
> Admire the stamina of the cinnamon bear. Stand on top of McCrae Peak in
> 80 mph wind.
I'd recomend the chicken Salad, it's wonderful.  Oh and Tom will give you
his pickle if he hears you ask for it.   You could turn red if you watched
the cinnamon bear .   Nothing like the top of McCrae peak.  Just watch
getting down.
> I'm telling you, if you haven't ever hung out and shot with good
> photographers, you should. Just being around these guys is highly
> motivating and instructional.
Tom fits in with them also.  I am amazed at the stuff I learned just hanging
out with them.
> After that, we headed back down, but found that jeepgirl hadn't shown up
> yet. We were a bit concerned since the gates were locked, so I tried
> calling the number she had given me. Turned out to be her Mom. Mom and I
> had a little talk, and I found out she wasn't due until the next day.
> Mom said I was pretty polite, as internet stalkers go.
That's what my Sister said about you too.
> At some point Bill Owens showed up with his charming wife Phyllis. He
> gave me a beer, so we're friends for life.
I think you just want more beer....

> So the next day rolled around, and Bill took us to a stream he knew
> about. We shot for a while...I think someone may have fallen in. Luckily
> the borrowed MZ-S and FA 400/5.6 didn't get wet...
Serves you right for not sharing....
> At that point, I had a BBQ sandwich.
> Jeepgirl showed up that night safe and semi-sound.
You just aint right.
> She brought her cousin Jessica, and a bunch of us hung out and talked
about this and
> that. A good time was had.
He failed to mention that he scared the crap out of me when he came stalking
up to the tent at some ungodly hour to get me out of my warm sleeping bag
just so he could have the pleasure of meeting me.
> The next day we got up at 4:45...I dragged jeepgirl and Jessie up the
> mountain to try and get some sunrise shots, but it was so foggy you
> couldn't see more then about 10 feet. So we found Doug and another
> friend and headed down to McDonalds. Again, more talking, and before we
> knew it 3 hours had passed. Everyone seemed to click, and enjoyed each
> other's company. Or maybe it was just those delicious McMuffins casting
> their spell. I don't know.
I really enjoyed Dougs company that morning.  He's a cool guy.
> About this time the photography weekend proper was about to start, so we
> headed back, got Jeepgirl and Jessie registered (I didn't enter the
> contest since I was helping) and went out to shoot. I had it in mind a
> PDMLer should win, so I served as Jeepgirl and Jessie's personal coach.
> We ran here and there, and they didn't seem too irritated to have me
> along, though that could be because I have a fisheye.

And a ton of patience.
> At that point, I had another BBQ sandwich.
uhhmmm I belive it was 2 sandwiches.
> That night (Friday) Doug gave his talk. He's a good speaker, and has a
> bunch of nice stuff we haven't seem here on the PDML before. He also
> made a point to be extra thankful for the PDMLers that showed
> up...Jeepgirl and I wept openly. I think Bill may have actually sobbed
> out loud. Everyone was impressed and proud. Doug's a good guy, and a
> good photographer.
Wow is all I have to say.  Doug is truly amazing.  Makes some nice photo's
> His hair looked great, btw.
Hey Doug, who cuts your hair.

> Let's see...we went back to camp after that, hung out for a bit, drank
> some of Bill's beer and went to sleep. Jessie forgot to tell us she's
> only 19, so the NC police (pronounced pO-lice) may be looking for me for
> alcohol violations.
Jessie wants to know why you tell everything you know?

> The next day I had gate duty at 0-dark-thirty. I opened the entry gate,
> and decided to open the exit gate just in case someone needed to leave.
> Everyone ignored me and drove in through the exit gate. I cursed them.
He cursed them for the rest of the day.
> Jeepgirl showed up for a minute to beg for a lens.
A good lens will get you through times of no man better then a good man will
get you through times of no lens.   (originally a jeep quote.)

> When gate duty was over, Jeepgirl found me and we headed out again. They
> each had about 10 frames left for the contest, so we chased the fog
> around, trying to get some of those "god-rays" on film.
I have a lot to learn about shooting "god-rays".
> It was time for a BBQ sandwich, so I had one. Or 2.
I ate a chicken sandwich it was better, And I got an extra Pickle that time

> 2 o'clock rolled around, and it was time to hand the film in. We crossed
> our fingers and placed the film in the box. What anxiety! I needed a BBQ
> sandwich.
> That night Tony Sweet gave his lecture. He's the man.
> http://www.tonysweetphotography.com/

I couldn't have said it better myself.  So here goes.
"That night Tony Sweet gave his lecture. He's the man."

> That was the night we took the lighthouse pictures, plus a PDML group
> photo. I might have that ready tomorrow. You'll have to wait for
> jeepgirl to get back to see the lighthouse pics.
I'm back but I dont' have the picture developed yet.
> The next morning the film came back, Doug and Tony judged them, and
> Jessie got an honorable mention. Jeepgirl got robbed, so I let the air
> out of Doug's tires and I did some more cursing.
I'll pay you for the air thing later....
 I am thankful that Jessie won.  I think it made  the weekend better for
> The winning photos were very impressive.
extremely impressive.
> At that point, the weekend was over, more or less. Hugs and kisses,
> buh-bye.

Tom took me (and Jessie) to Grayson Highlands, He wanted to marry me in
front of the ponies, but I  decided to wait and see.  I am really glad I
waited, He forgets to turn off the safe light in the darkroom when he is
winding film.  I knew there had to be a problem with him somewhere....

I Also shot in Shenandoah,  and a little in DC, I took some shots of the
Mystics at one of there games.  I think they suck.  I was graced with Tom's
precence help celebrate my birthday at a resturant.  Then he promised me Ben
& Jerry's but we couldn't find one so he took us to Larry's instead.   I
almost cried of sheer disapointment.  Then he dropped us off downtown, and
my Sister pronounced him a "nice internet stalker"  poor guy.
Tom did make up the Ben & Jerry's idea for me.  He took Jess, and I there
fri morning before  we left.
I also got to go sailing in Baltimore, but crazy woman wouldn't let me take
my camera she was afraid it would get wet.

I guess I really should have told you what I learned but I don't think we
have enough space.
Thank you Doug, Tom, Bill, John, and Mark for spending time with me and
sharing a large amount of your knowledge. It is appreciated.

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