On 12/7/05, Toralf Lund, discombobulated, unleashed:

>I though I might make this one look like another little survey, since 
>they seem to be the fashion around here these days... I was just 
>wondering, in relation to that other post of mine regarding macro 
>lenses, how exactly people here prefer do to the focusing when doing 
>macro work. Notably, who uses autofocus and how well does it work?

My macro lens is not AF, but I would not consider an AF lens for macro.
Once I'm in the ballpark with magnification, then it's a simple matter of
moving the camera/lens backwards or forwards until focus is achieved.
Minimum aperture and a ringflash, and away I go :-)

My macro lens is not very versatile though, and I am still considering an
A*200 f/4 to convert to EOS.



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