"Larry Hodgson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>After looking at the Canon EOS 5D at $3,300 U.S, I'm probably going to
>switch to that camera.

I look at it as $3300 *plus* the cost of lenses. Replacing my current
Pentax lens line-up with equivalent Canons would be far more expensive
than $3300! Of course, with full-time grad school and part-time
freelancing, even the $3300 entry fee is out of reach for me at the
moment. Still, this has convinced me that full-frame is for real, so
what I'm going to do is start pitting money aside. I think Cotty's
correct that this camera or something like it will be under $2500 within
18 months. By the time I have the money saved up I'll have seen a lot of
happenings at Pentax and Canon and will make a decision then. Whether
Pentax will get a full-frame DSLR depends largely on whether *Sony* (or
Matsushita or Sanyo or someone - look for the Korean semiconductor
manufacturers to get into the act soon) decides to make the sensor. I'd
wager that if they weren't working on it two weeks ago they are now ;-)
Mark Roberts
Photography and writing

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